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April Full Moon - with Dr. Lorin Roche and Camille Maurine

The April Full Moon occurs on Wednesday April 5th . It will reach its peak illumination at 9:34 pm PT.

The April full moon is named: Pink Moon 
The Full Pink Moon’s name comes from the abundance of moss phlox, a common little pink flower that typically begins to spread across the ground in early spring in the northern hemisphere where the full moon is also associated with the bustling life and vibrant growth of spring. It is a time when rivers and streams begin to fully thaw.

Join us as we share meditations, sutras, and exploration of what it means to be part of natures ever renewing dance.

We would love to have you with us live—free of charge.
If you can’t make it, the recording for the event will be emailed to you within 24 hours.