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Circle of Love, Power, Peace

We women have depths of Love and Power that can be a mighty force of blessing – for one another and for the world. Female-centered meditation is a supreme way to access and strengthen that innate capacity.

This is an unparalleled, unprecedented time on Planet Earth – a time of crisis, of chaos, of uncertainty. Everything hangs in the balance.

The challenges we face are great – in the outer world as well as in our personal, intimate lives. We are all navigating wild waves of energy and emotion. It's intense!

Within the intensity is creative energy. Possibility. An urgent call to transform, to heal, to evolve – as individuals and humanity as a whole.

You feel that call, in your own way. In your own life circumstances. In your body, heart, soul.

Having love-drenched, life-affirming practices is essential – ways of tuning our energies to be resourceful, responsive, and ready for whatever life brings our way.

That is why I am offering this special meditation journey, from now through the holidays and into January 2021. Together we will embrace our authentic experience with love, say thank you and goodbye to this wacky year, and initiate a new cycle of Life on Earth.

Workshop Details

Dates and Format:

We will have 6 meetings at 12pm pst on Moon Days:

  • Nov 16

  • Nov 23

  • Nov 30

  • Dec 7

  • Dec 14

  • Jan 11

We meet on Zoom (by computer or phone) with the option to see and hear one another in meaningful interaction. The webinars are always recorded, so if you cannot be with us live, you can view or review anytime. You can also connect and share with one another on our nifty online platform.

You Receive:

  • 6 Meditation & Movement Webinars (90 minutes each, always recorded)

  • Live Interaction with Camille and our Global Circle of Women

  • 6 Video and Audio Recordings of the Meetings

  • 6 Weeks of Online Support – Guided Meditations and Other Inspirations

  • A Dynamic Discussion Forum – Share Your Heart

  • Permanent Access to the Course

  • Plus gain 8 contact hours toward our Meditation Teacher Training


For Yourself – $197
Join with a friend — $297

Read more and register here