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Essential Skills For Teaching Meditation

Essential Skills for Teaching Meditation

With Steven Leonard, E-RYT-500

Wednesday, March 30 at 12pm PST

More than ever, the world needs skillful meditation teachers. So many people are feeling disoriented, disconnected, depleted, and looking for ways to reignite their love for life. 

Instinctive Meditation® can be a powerful antidote. Instinctive Meditation is a natural and adaptable approach that welcomes each individual as they are. It is a process of trusting your inner wisdom and deepest desires. It helps you learn to ride the waves of life with joy, grace and resilience. It truly is a gift that keeps on giving. 

There are essential skills for teaching such an individualized approach to meditation. This free webinar will introduce you to some of the core principles and practices that are taught in our 200-hour Meditation Teacher Certification. 

Whether you are looking to deepen your personal practice or interested in becoming a teacher, we hope you can join us. The world needs you.

This event is free of charge. Register to receive the Zoom link.

Meet Your Teacher

Steven Leonard is the creator of Freestyle Meditation, lead teacher for the Radiance Sutras School of Meditation, the Kripalu School of Yoga and co-founder of the Lahari Yoga Teacher Training.

He is a lifelong athlete, functional movement coach and currently working towards a Doctorate in Physical Therapy at Russell Sage College. Steven has been teaching movement and meditation for more than fifteen years and loves integrating mind-body practices in a holistic way.