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April Full Moon - Global Meditation with Dr. Lorin Roche and Camille Maurine

1pm Pacific

4pm Eastern /5pm Brazil / 9pm UK

Monday: 6am Sydney, Australia / 8am New Zealand

see in your local time

On Sunday, April 25th, Lorin and Camille are offering a global full moon meditation with The Radiance Sutras. Coming together in shared intention creates a potent energy field that benefits us all and radiates out to the larger body of humanity and this Earth.

This is the second of three powerful Full Moon Festivals ~ an optimum time to meditate:

  • Welcome an influx of spiritual energy and support.

  • Tune in to the heart's desire, the call of the Soul.

  • Resonate with the deep energies of love and wisdom.

The event is free but we do ask you to register to participate and to receive the recording. See details below.