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May Full Moon - Global Meditation with Dr. Lorin Roche and Camille Maurine

5pm Pacific Time

8pm Eastern/1 am UK/Thursday: 10am Sydney, Australia

See Your Local Time

The May Full Moon is coming up next Wednesday, May 26th. You are invited to join us and our global community!

This is the Festival of Humanity ~ the third of three powerful Full Moons ~ an optimum time to meditate:

  • Resonate with the deep energies of Love Wisdom.

  • Welcome an influx of spiritual energy and support.

  • Tune into your true body and radiate your love to the world.

Join us for a free global meditation with The Radiance Sutras. Coming together in shared intention creates a potent energy field that benefits us all and radiates out to the larger body of humanity and this Earth.

This gathering is for our extended global community ~ you are welcome to share the registration link with your friends, family, or students. If you cannot be with us live, the Zoom recording will be sent to you as soon as possible after the call.

This event is free but we do ask you to register below to participate and to receive the recording.